
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Improving Your Back’s Health

No one wants an aching back and there are a number of things that you can do to avoid that misery. First, consider the important functions of the back, especially the lower(lumbar) region. The lumbar spine supports most of the body’s weight when you are standing. It also allows you to bend over, twist, rotate at the waist and bend both forward and back. It takes the smooth action of the vertebrae and joints of the spine, muscles, tendons and ligaments to accomplish all this movement.

Wear and tear over the years, takes its toll on the back and its various components. Joints become worn, discs deteriorate, muscles weaken. However, there are many things you can do to maintain your back’s health and keep it moving well into your advanced years. First, recognize the most common causes of back injury and back pain. Then, take the necessary steps to avoid them.

The Most Common Reasons For Back Pain
• Over-exerting when using your back leading to fatigue
o Fatigued muscles are susceptible to injury.
• Using poor lifting techniques
o Leads to a variety of injuries to back and neck
• Muscle Strains and Sprains
o The most common causes of back pain.
• Sprains of the Ligaments
o These tough fibrous bands attach muscle to bone
• Joint Ailments And Disease

What You Can Do To Maintain Or Improve Your Back’s Health And Avoid Injury
• Exercise
These exercises will strengthen and increase endurance of your back.
o Swimming
o Walking
o Low impact aerobic exercises
• Consult with your doctor to determine whether you can begin a gradual program of these exercises.
o Exercises to increase core muscle strength of the abdominal and back muscles which support the spine.
o Stretching exercises to loosen and lengthen muscles to release pressure on the discs between the vertebrae.

• Use Good Posture When Standing
o Keep your ears, shoulders and hips in a straight line with your head up and stomach pulled in.
o Don’t slouch or slump as both of these positions fatigue the muscles, making them more prone to injury.
o If you must stand in one position for a long time, shift a portion of your weight by resting one foot on a stool or a low object.
o Low heeled shoes with non-skid soles are much better in avoiding trips and falls.

• Use Good Posture When Sitting
o Use a chair that is the correct height and allows your feet to rest on the floor.
o Support the lower back with a small cushion or towel roll and keep your knees and hips level. A chair with a swivel base decreases twisting and turning.
o Take stretch breaks when sitting for long periods of time or on trips.

• Use Good Body Mechanics When Lifting
o When lifting a heavy object, let your legs do the work. Don’t bend. Lift straight up and down.
o Keep the heavy object close to your body and don’t twist when setting it down.
o Always get help when lifting an awkward or extra heavy load.
o Avoid lifting and twisting at the same time.
o Push rather than pull heavy objects.

• Maintain A Healthy Weight
o The more weight that your body carries, the greater the burden on the spine and back muscles. When excess weight is in the abdomen, the muscles of the lower back must support the load.

• Stop Smoking
o Nicotine reduces the amount of blood flow carrying oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissues, contributing to fatigue. Fatigue muscles are more prone to injury.

• Good Sleeping Habits
o Since many spend up to one third of their day in bed, it is important to good mattress which gives proper support.
o Don’t use thick pillows that leave your neck at a sharp angle when sleeping and causes stiffness.
o The best way to sleep is lying on your side with your knees bent. A pillow between the knees may add support.
o If you sleep on your back, a small pillow under your knees and in the small of the back adds support.
o If you sleep on your stomach, put a small pillow under your hips.

Keeping your back in good health is much easier and less expensive than dealing with a back injury that could develop into prolonged, chronic back pain. Brought to you by Pembroke Pines Chiropractic therapist.